Friday, February 12, 2010

Final Placement of the Big House

I have finally decided the place that the big two story house kit that my wife built.
The kit is a laser cut wood kit from Branchline trains. Their website has the description: 
N Suburban House & Hudson Garage
The Suburban is based on a plan shown in the 1917 Aladdin catalog.
“The Suburban” they said, “is well named, because how attractively this modern house will adorn the most desirable lot in the residential part of any of our progressive cities!” How can we say more?
The Suburban house kit listed at $1,132.00 less mortar and masonry. With a 5% pre-payment discount it could be had for $1075.40.

Item# 873
Dimensions - 2"x2-3/4"x2"
After my wife assembled the kit I painted it but never decide where was the best spot for it on the layout. After quite a bit of moving it from place to place I settled on a place in the foreground of the layout because the house is such a good little model.
I had to grade the hill (with a rasp and sandpaper) so the little house and garage would sit level. I am pleased with the outcome.