Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Base coat of paint and more crossings

The base coat of paint makes it look as if more progress has been made.
From Miltonburg Branch Subdivision

One of the foam putty crossings goes across the main line at the lower crossover.
From Miltonburg Branch Subdivision

and the other crosses the industrial lead.
From Miltonburg Branch Subdivision

A culvert pipe placed for the drainage creek.
From Miltonburg Branch Subdivision

A little bridge construction is underway.
From Miltonburg Branch Subdivision

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A real Roll-By

Meeting a south bound coal load at Elm Mott, Texas.

Lots of Painting and Super Elevation

Carola and I spent time today painting the benchwork/shelves


I forgot to mention that I super elevated the big curve a few days ago.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Ballasting, more track work, placement of rock castings, and road crossings.

HPIM0830 This is Carola’s handiwork at Ballasting


The tricky part of using two different sizes of track is connecting them together…

Here I used code 55 in the industry spot and code 80 for the main line.


Placing hydrocal castings on the foam and sealing the edges with foam putty.


Using foam putty for road crossings.


The roadway bridges will be placed in the painted area.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A few Vids to see what it's like

A new Culvert

Due to all the other stuff I had to do I only had time to put in this little culvert. I haven't dug out the hole through and don't know if I will dig it out all the way through but I am pleased with the result.